Whether by bike or on foot, The Bavarian Chiemgau can be experienced actively and also offers a lot of culinary discoveries.
61 restaurants in Germany that pursue an exemplary sustainable philosophy have been awarded the Green Star by the Michelin Guide.
Saarland may be our smallest federal state, but in percentage terms it has the most Michelin stars and not without reason!
In Düsseldorf, there are more bars lined up in the smallest of spaces than anywhere else in Germany. We present the best bars in Düsseldorf.
Old recipes are back in fashion. In Rhineland-Palatinate, these four regional specialties make not only locals' mouths water.
Café equals café and coffee equals coffee? Heavens no! We show you the best coffee roasters in Baden-Württemberg for coffee aficionados.
These organic farms in the Rottal valley in Lower Bavaria offer deliciously fresh organic dishes in their farm stores and restaurants.
German cuisine: There are dishes that taste unusual and sound strange. funkyGERMANY whets your appetite for unfamiliar dishes.
Krapfen, Pfannkuchen or perhaps Ballen? Find out here about Germany’s love affair with the Berliner donut, and where to buy the best ones!
Simply cut the sausage into slices? Absolutely not! We'll explain you how to eat a Weißwurst the right way.
Drinking without a hangover. This is what the Bar Zeroliq in Berlin promises. Germany's first alcohol-free bar recently opened its doors.
A Visit to the sweetest Culinary Hotspot in Berlin: Coda Dessert Dining & Bar. For sure you will experience an extraordinary dinner here.