Good food and the Saarland have always belonged together. The proximity to France and the frequent change of nationalities has given the region a special charm. Saarland may be our smallest federal state, but in percentage terms it has the most Michelin stars and not without reason!
Saarland potato meets space
The traditionally rich food allows the people of the Saarland to simply say “Hauptsach gudd gess“ from the lips. This roughly translates to “the main thing is that you eat well“. From modern haute cuisine to hearty home cooking and traditional Saarland cooking, there is a lid for every pot here.
The roast pan and the many regional potato dishes are particularly popular. It is therefore not surprising that the Saarland astronaut, Matthias Maurer, brought potato soup, venison ragout with hoorische (German dumplings), geheirade (a German potato dish) and rostige ritter (a variation of French toast) for the crew of the ISS when he arrived at the end of 2021.

Regional initiative
The trend towards regional products did not have to arrive in Saarland on account that it has already lived here for some time now.
It came about that Saarland producers and catering operators joined forces to form the initiative “Genuss Region Saarland” in order to convince everyone with their quality and regional products. Together, dishes and specialties are conjured up from what the Saarland has to offer. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a cozy culinary workshop with friends, a celebration with the family or a gourmet evening with your loved one. Whatever comes on the table is always a pleasurable experience.

The delicious living room in Saarbrücken
Culinary travelers can get their money’s worth at the St. Johanner Markt in Saarbrücken. Restaurants, pubs and bistros are lined up next to each other and clearly show why so many call the convivial setting their living room. In the morning, the Kulturcafé invites you to a traditional breakfast with only fresh ingredients. Afterwards you can enjoy delicious street food in the Kalinski Wurstwirtschaft & Gin Bar. If you like it sweet, you will find it at Henry’s Eismanufaktur – all ingredients are sourced regionally.

Quality meets love of home
Since 2020, the Michelin star has been awarded to catering establishments that shine through their special commitment to sustainability and exemplary awareness of nature and the environment. It is not without reason that Saarland shines with twelve of these awards. The Unesco Biosphere Reserve is located in the south-east of the Bliesgau. Bliesgau stands for agriculture and good food, because wherever you look, love for your homeland is still deeply rooted here – and you can taste it too.
Most companies process and refine their products on site, which means short transport routes and ecological advantages. The Fräulein Ida café, where vegetarians also get their money’s worth, shows what the farm has to offer.

The gastronomy in Bliesgau loves their craft and is committed to sustainability, placing emphasis on what is most important: regional products, animal welfare and quality. You can feel this as soon as you enter the Hämmerles. Cliff, Stéphanie and Emily always ensure a family atmosphere and show that regional and high-quality products are also possible in fine cuisine.
Journeys on pleasure paths and fall orchards
Apart from the variety of culinary delights, the Saarland offers something else: wonderful hikes. And if both can be combined, then the hearts of all those who are not convinced at first glance will also open. Eight possible tours of the premium hiking trails of the “Saarland Tafeltouren” invite you to first enjoy the landscape and finally the rich food. Always follow the signs with the white chef’s hat!

If you’ve had enough of hiking, you might visit the meadow orchards in late summer. Apples and pears typical of the region can be picked along the two largest rivers in the region, Saar and Blies. But almost forgotten fruits also grow between the lush meadow landscapes. The medlar, also known colloquially as “dog’s butt”, was brought across the Alps by the Romans and eventually found its way into cottage gardens. Cooked as a tasty jelly, refined as a liqueur or fruit brandy, the loquat is now being courted again.

Afterwards, you can visit one of the numerous factories that process the tasty fruits into spreads, juices and chutneys. In the Fruchteria, where Andrea Dumont turns fresh fallen fruit into all sorts of delicacies, you can taste not only the love for the craft, but also the quality.
And if you haven’t had enough of Saarland’s culinary diversity at the end of your holiday, you can head to the municipality of Perl. With one square meter, it is the only wine-growing region in Saarland. Anyone looking for a wine from the smallest federal state will find it here. The handpicked and pressed grapes come from only seven Saarland winegrowing families and conjure up a pleasurable experience when you uncork them. The bottles, each one unique, can also be conquered on the last weekend in October of each year. Then the Perler wine cellars open their doors for four days and invite you to the wine and cellar festival.