Aerial view of the market square in Halle (Saale) at sunset
Thomas Ziegele/ Stadt Halle (Saale)

Halle at the Saale – Worth a trip


Picturesquely situated along the Saale River, the largest city in Saxony-Anhalt is just a stone’s throw away from seven UNESCO World Heritage Treasures – and a beauty itself. Welcome to Halle!

Full of Sound

When you hear the “Halle-Lujah” of Europe’s largest carillon, you have arrived in Georg Friedrich Händel’s birthplace. In honor of its greatest son, the Händel Festival has been inviting baroque stars and fans from all over the world to Halle for 100 years. If you prefer something more modern, you can groove at the Women in Jazz festival, for example.

A graffiti shows the composer Handel wearing modern sunglasses
A graffiti shows the composer Handel wearing modern sunglasses. Photo: Holger Burmeister/Alamy Stock

Green, greener, Halle

The Saale is the city’s lifeline, flowing through it’s middle and creating green islands with secluded spots and countless leisure opportunities. No wonder Halle is one of the greenest cities in Germany.

Peissnitzinsel in Halle
Peißnitz Island in the heart of the city. Photo: Stadtmarketing Halle (Saale) GmbH


The magical Nebra Sky Disc, a UNESCO “Memory of the World” document, explains the stars in the State Museum of Prehistory, one of the most important archaeological museums in Central Europe. If you want to dive even deeper into the vastness of space, we recommend a visit to the state-of-the-art Halle Planetarium, which just opened in 2023. Even the architecture of the former gasometer is impressive.

Exterior view of the planetarium in Halle (Saale)
The planetarium in Halle (Saale). Photo: Thomas Ziegler/Stadt Halle (Saale)

Historical, young, and creative – all at once

In Halle, old meets new, young meets old, vibrant city life meets relaxing on the banks of the Saale. The well-preserved old town tells the story of over 1,200 years of city history, which continues to be written today by almost 245,000 residents, including more than 20,000 students, scientists and creative minds from the arts and culture.

Lively activity in front of Mr Fleischer's kiosk in Halle (Saale)
Lively activity in front of the Hr. Fleischer kiosk in Halle (Saale). Photo: Matthias Behne


A packed calendar of events invites you to the next exhibition at the Moritzburg Art Museum, a concert at the opera, or a voyage of discovery through the showrooms of the Francke Foundations, home to the world’s largest half-timbered house at over 100 meters in length.

Exterior view of the Moritzburg Art Museum
Exterior view of the Moritzburg Art Museum. Photo: Thomas Ziegler/Stadt Halle (Saale)

Sweet and salty

The city owes its origins to salt. The oldest brotherhood in the world, the “Salzwirker-Brüderschaft im Thale zu Halle”, still boils salt according to ancient tradition. Halle also offers culinary delights with chocolate from Halloren – the oldest chocolate factory in Germany.

An employee makes chocolates at the Halloren chocolate factory
An employee makes chocolates at the Halloren chocolate factory. Photo: Thomas Ziegler/Stadt Halle (Saale)

Worth a trip

Seven of Germany’s 52 UNESCO World Heritage Sites can be found in and around Halle alone: The Nebra Sky Disc in the Halle State Museum of Prehistory, the majestic Naumburg Cathedral, the idyllic Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz, the pioneering Bauhaus in Dessau and Weimar, picturesque Quedlinburg, the world-changing Luther memorials in Eisleben and Wittenberg, and Classical Weimar, shaped by Schiller and Goethe. The unique buildings and treasures are a maximum of 90 minutes away by car or can be easily reached by public transport from the main station.

Landesmuseum in Halle
The State Museum of Prehistory in Halle with the famous Nebra Sky Disk. Photo: LDA Sachsen-Anhalt/Juraj Lipták

Plan your visit now!